Technology Transfer


What is Tech Transfer

Technology Transfer is driven by innovative technological ideas, designs, and inventions developed through university research into commercial products. It is aimed at not only benefiting the industry but also at having a positive impact on society. A successful process of Technology Transfer can eventually render feedback to the research community that can deliver insights from the industry to ideate improvements to the existing technology.

Our aim at is to facilitate effective collaboration between local academic institutions and the industry and/or government entities, to come up with pioneering products that can solve complex real-world problems with artificial intelligence (AI). This can be achieved effectively with sustainable High-Performance Computing as a Service (HPCaaS) data centers (DCs) set up at the Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation (SRTI) Park, Sharjah.

Technology Transfer is better understood and managed through the 9 stages of Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), as indicated in the figure. Originated from a NASA researcher in 1974, TRLs have evolved to formulate a systematic process for enabling innovative and market-ready products that are developed from research in academia

The first of the three stages are the knowledge development (TRL1-TRL3), where the basic knowledge of the innovative idea, design, or invention is developed at the university level. The technology development levels (TRL4 – TRL6) is the collaborative phase that is specialized in, to bridge the gap between academia and industry. During the initial phase of technology development, transfers knowledge to the local universities by means of student engagement/internships along with identifying groundbreaking research from academia for its commercial viability. TRL5-TRL6 involves product development, intellectual property (IP) creation and prototyping of the identified research. Scaling-up and transformation of product technology with incorporated AI through HPC is done in partnership with the industry during TRL6-TRL8. The developed product is then made ready for market launch in TRL9.

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